Monday, October 29, 2012

End of the YEAR Collaboration PROJECT

At the end of last school year we did a collaobration project with all grades.  The start of the day students chose two shapes as a team and painted with black those two shapes throughout their piece of roll paper that covered their table.  Then they connected the shapes with various types of lines.  We discussed patterns, shapes and lines.  Students were given one color at their table and started to paint in the shapes.  Each class that came in next added a little more to the piece of art. Adding lines, patterns, etc.  The goal was to have the whole paper painted with color, lines, patterns, and lines!
They turned out great!  I saved them over the summer and hung them up to start the school year so they halls weren't so bare.  Thanks Pinterest for the idea! 

1 comment:

  1. Great hallway display!!! I'll bet the kids loved standing around taking it all in!!
