Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chihuly School Wide Collaboration Project

Each year I like to kick off the school year with school wide collaboration project so showcase teamwork and a piece of art on a large scale.  This year students studied and learned about glass artist Dale Chihuly.  We saw various examples of his work, a video on his process and also learned about what a "macchia" is.  Each student created their own individual macchia and they were attached together to create a large sculpture.  The 5th grade students were able to make the connection on their annual field trip to UWGB and got to see an actual Chihuly Chandiler hanging in the Weidner Center.  They were all pretty amazed at how cool an actual Chihuly Sculpture looks in person.


  1. Vau, nevjerojatna struktura webloga! Koliko dugo već blogujete? olakšali ste pokretanje pogleda na blog.
