Thursday, March 22, 2012

2nd Grade Matisse Collage


  1. Please post the steps you took to create your fabulous Matisse pieces!

  2. Can you tell me step by step how you did this project?

  3. Day 1:Students studied Matisse and what a collage is. I had a bunch of pre-cut squares/rectangles cut and they arranged and glued them on to a 12 X 18 colored paper of their choice.

    Day 2: Learned about organic shapes and positive/negative space. Students created various organic shapes and glued on using positive and negative pieces.

    Day 3: Compared Organic Shapes to Geometric shapes. Students cut smaller geometric shapes to add to their collage.

    I told the kiddos the more you have on the better (you want the view to not know what color paper you started with)

  4. so AMAZING!! I can't get my students to do that much work. I do this project with first grade and they burn out too fast I think. I will try your way next time:)

  5. LOVE these! Your kids did a fantastic job!
